On-Demand Access and Analytics for Better Outcomes

Learn how Anzo® allows Life Sciences companies to prove positive clinical and economic evidence to researchers, medical providers, healthcare decision-makers and payers.

Real World Evidence Case Study.pngAnzo provides a highly flexible knowledge graph-based platform that allows organizations to leverage all of their relevant data. Whether internal or external, regardless of the source form or type (i.e. structured, unstructured or semi-structured), allowing faster, better answers to ad hoc, unplanned questions impacting patient outcomes. Organizations can easily ingest, correlate, and analyze their Real World Evidence (RWE) data, from trial data to insurance claims, EHR to IoT!

Download this Case Study to learn how Anzo enables the understanding of real world data with unparalleled speed at big data scale, offering more efficient drug development, better patient cohort identification and superior healthcare outcomes.