
The Story of the Data Fabric

The story begins with a definition: The Data Fabric is a robust, agile, comprehensive architecture for modern data management that anticipates the need to connect data across the enterprise at speed and scale. A data fabric allows organizations to model and integrate data at whatever level of granularity desired. 

Below you'll find the what, where, why, and how of an enterprise data fabric. Take a deeper look at all the ins and outs of an enterprise data fabric by downloading the white paper. 

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The Story of the Data Fabric

The data fabric is a new way to manage and integrate data that promises to unlock the power of data in ways that shatter the limits of previous generations of technology such as data warehouses and data lakes. 

Because it is based on a graph data model, the data fabric is able to absorb, integrate, and maintain the freshness of vast quantities of data in any number of formats. By using semantic standards, the data integration is even more powerful as the queries and algorithms are applied to the data fabric.

In further detail, this white paper explains what an enterprise data fabric is, how it allows organizations to model and integrate data at whatever level of granularity desired and how Anzo semantic technology adds a semantic layer of metadata that adds depth and meaning to the graph overall so that queries and algorithms can use this information.

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What's inside?



An introduction to and the concepts underlying a data fabric, and how implementing the data fabric using a graph data model allows for the use of semantic standards. Getting at what the data means in the context of a model.


How the use of semantic standards enables graph ETL and ELT to be defined and maintained without becoming nightmarishly complex, refreshing the data fabric with new and updated data.


The semantic information about each node allows many more connections to be made programatically and through inference.


The power of the data fabric to support virtually any use case comes from the ability to use as many layers as needed to transform and integrate the data.

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Hero Background Image Photo by Nastya Dulhiier on Unsplash